Ebook Problem Solving and Program Design in C (6th Edition), by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman
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Problem Solving and Program Design in C (6th Edition), by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman

Ebook Problem Solving and Program Design in C (6th Edition), by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman
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Problem Solving and Program Design in C is one of the best-selling introductory programming textbooks using the C programming language. It embraces a balanced approach to program development and an introduction to ANSI C. The book provides a gradual introduction to pointers and covers programming with functions early in the text. In later chapters, students learn to implement fundamental data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, and trees in a language that fosters their understanding of stack- and heap-dynamic memory allocation and programmer-controlled pointers. To enhance students’ learning experience it offers the right amount of pedagogical features that include end-of-section and chapter exercises, examples and case studies, syntax and program style display boxes, error discussions and end-of-chapter projects.
- Sales Rank: #767020 in Books
- Published on: 2009-02-16
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.14" h x 1.18" w x 7.26" l, 2.93 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 936 pages
From the Back Cover
This bestselling text maintains its classic features like the gradual introduction of pointers and the connection between problem solving skills and effective software development. It features early coverage of functions, logical operators, and operators with side effects. The third edition offers updated C code and provides a new iOn to C++i chapter, preparing students for future object-oriented programming and C++ courses.
About the Author
Jeri Hanly is Emerita Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Wyoming. She has also recently been on the faculty of the Computer Science Department at Loyola College in Maryland and Howard University.
Elliot Koffman is known around the world as a leader in the field of Computer Science education. Dr. Koffman is a Professor in the Computer and Information Sciences Department at Temple University. He is author or co-author of leading introductory books in most every popular language from FORTRAN through Java. He is also the recipient of the 2009 ACM-SIGCSE award for Outstanding Contribution to Computer Science Education.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
This textbook teaches a disciplined approach to solving problems and to applying widely accepted software engineering methods to design program solutions as cohesive, readable, reusable modules. We present as an implementation vehicle for these modules a subset of ANSI C—a standardized, industrial-strength programming language known for its power and portability. This text can be used for a first course in programming methods: It assumes no prior knowledge of computers or programming. The text's broad selection of case studies and exercises allows an instructor to design an introductory programming course in C for computer science majors or for students from a wide range of other disciplines.
In preparing this edition, we have added Chapter 15, which can serve as a transition to the study of C++ in a subsequent course. We have expanded the first section of our chapter on iteration (Chapter 5) so that we introduce the full range of loops conceptually before delving into their C implementations, and we have included in Chapter 12 more extensive coverage of escape sequences and format specifiers used with printf. In addition, we have modified Chapter 14 so that it helps students consolidate their understanding of pointers as arrays, output parameters, and file accessors just prior to their exploration of the role of the pointer in dynamic memory allocation.
Using C to Teach Program Development
Two of our goals—teaching program design and teaching C—may be seen by some as contradictory. C is widely perceived as a language to be tackled only after one has learned the fundamentals of programming in some other, friendlier language. The perception that C is excessively difficult is traceable to the history of the language. Designed as a vehicle for programming the UNIX operating system, C found its original clientele among programmers who understood the complexities of the operating system and the underlying machine, and who considered it natural to exploit this knowledge in their programs. Therefore, it is not surprising that many textbooks whose primary goal is to teach C expose the student to program examples requiring an understanding of machine concepts that are not in the syllabus of a standard introductory programming course.
In this text we are able to teach both a rational approach to program development and an introduction to ANSI C because we have chosen the first goal as our primary one. One might fear that this choice would lead to a watered-down treatment of ANSI C. On the contrary, we find that the blended presentation of programming concepts and of the implementation of these concepts in C captures a focused picture of the power of ANSI. C as a high-level programming language, a picture that is often blurred in texts whose foremost objective is the coverage of all of ANSI C. Even following this approach of giving program design precedence over discussion of C language features, we have arrived at a coverage of the essential constructs of C that is quite comprehensive.
Pointers and the Organization of the Book
The order in which C language topics are presented is dictated by our view of the needs of the beginning programmer rather than by the structure of the C programming language. The reader may be surprised to discover drat there is no chapter entitled "Pointers." This missing chapter title follows from our treatment of C as a high-level language, not from a lack of awareness of the critical role of pointers in C.
Whereas other high-level languages have separate language constructs for output parameters and arrays, C openly folds these concepts into its notion of a pointer, drastically increasing the complexity of learning the language. We simplify the learning process by discussing pointers from these separate perspectives where such topics normally arise when teaching other programming languages, thus allowing a student to absorb the intricacies of pointer usage a little at a time. Our approach makes possible the presentation of fundamental concepts using traditional high-level language terminology—output parameter, array, array subscript, string—and makes it easier for students without prior assembly language background to master the many facets of pointer usage.
Therefore, this text has not one, but four chapters that focus on pointers. Chapter 6 discusses the use of pointers as simple output and input/output parameters, Chapter 8 deals with arrays, Chapter 9 presents strings and arrays of pointers, and Chapter 14 describes dynamic memory allocation after reviewing pointer uses previously covered. In addition, Chapters 2 and 12 discuss file pointers.
Applications Written in C
This text illustrates the importance of the C programming language by including a collection of brief articles presenting applications written in C. Included are descriptions of Vivo320, a video-conferencing tool; LINEUP, a database system for criminal mug shots; and the Borland C/C++ compiler. In addition, one article traces the history of the joint development of UNIX and C.
Software Engineering Concepts
The book presents many aspects of software engineering. Some are explicitly discussed and others are taught only by example. The connection between good problem-solving skills and effective software development is established early in Chapter 1 with a section that discusses the art and science of problem solving. The five-phase software development method presented in Chapter 1 is used to solve the first case study and is applied uniformly to case studies throughout the text. Major program style issues are highlighted in special displays, and the coding style used in examples is based on guidelines followed in segments of the C software industry. There are sections in several chapters that discuss algorithm tracing, program debugging, and testing.
Chapter 3 introduces procedural abstraction through selected C library functions, parameterless void functions, and functions that take input parameters and return a value. Chapters 4 and 5 include additional function examples, and Chapter 6 completes the study of functions that have simple parameters. The chapter discusses the use of pointers to represent output and input/output parameters, and Chapter 7 introduces the use of a function as a parameter.
Case studies and sample programs in Chapters 6, 8, and 11 introduce by example the concepts of data abstraction and of encapsulation of a data type and operators. Chapter 13 presents C's facilities for formalizing procedural and data abstraction in personal libraries defined by separate header and implementation files. Chapter 15 introduces the concept of object-oriented design as implemented by C++.
The use of visible function interfaces is emphasized throughout the text. We do not mention the possibility of using a global variable until Chapter 13, and then we carefully describe both the dangers and the value of global variable usage.
Pedagogical Features
We employ the following pedagogical features to enhance the usefulness of this book as a teaching tool:
End-of-Section Exercises. Most sections end with a number of self-check exercises. These include exercises that require analysis of program fragments as well as short programming exercises. Answers to selected self-check exercises appear at the back of the book; answers to the rest of the exercises are provided in the instructor's manual.
Examples and Case Studies. The book contains a wide variety of programming examples. Whenever possible, examples contain complete programs or functions rather than incomplete program fragments. Each chapter contains one or more substantial case studies that are solved following the software development method. Numerous case studies give the student glimpses of important applications of computing, including database searching, business applications such as billing and sales analysis, word processing, environmental applications such as radiation level monitoring and water conservation.
Syntax Display Boxes. The syntax displays describe the syntax and semantics of new C features and provide examples.
Program Style Displays. The program style displays discuss major issues of good programming style.
Error Discussions and Chapter Review. Each chapter concludes with a section that discusses common programming errors. A chapter review includes a table of new C constructs.
End-of-Chapter Exercises. A set of quick-check exercises with answers follows each Chapter Review. There are also review exercises whose solutions appear in the instructor's manual.
End-of-Chapter Projects. Each chapter ends with a set of programming projects. Answers to selected projects appear in the instructor's manual.
Appendixes, CD-ROM, and Supplements
Appendix F describes how to use Borland C++ Builder version 5 (see below). It also describes how to use the free command-line interpreter which can be downloaded from the Borland website (www.Borland.com). A reference table of ANSI C constructs appears on the inside covers of the book, and Appendix A presents character set tables. Because this text covers only a subset of ANSI C, the remaining appendixes play an especially vital role in increasing the value of the book as a reference. Appendix B is an alphabetized table of ANSI C standard libraries. Appendix C gives a table showing the precedence and associativity of all ANSI C operators; the operators not previously defined are explained in this appendix. Throughout the book, array referencing is done with subscript notation; Appendix D is the only coverage of pointer arithmetic. Appendix E lists all ANSI C reserved words.
CD-ROM with Borland C++ Builder 5
The textbook comes with a CD-ROM that contains Borland C++ Builder 5. C++ Builder is an Integrated Development Environment for creating, debugging, and running C and C++ programs.
Source Code
An on-line version of the source code figures is available at our anonymous ftp site. To access, set your ftp to ftp.awl.com. At the prompt, log in as anonymous and use your internet address as the password. From there, you change to the directory cseng/authors/hanly/cs1.3e.
Instructor's Manual
The Instructor's Manual includes chapter by chapter summaries and suggestions based on selected textbook figures. These are available online. You will need to contact your sales rep for the password and access instructions.
Solutions and Test Questions
Test questions and solutions to the internal self check, review questions, and selected programming projects are available by contacting your local Addison-Wesley sales representative.
Many people participated in the development of this book. We thank especially Cindy Johnson, who developed the articles on C applications, and Paul W. Abrahams, Kenneth Pugh of Pugh-Killeen Associates, Oliver Jones of Vivo Software Inc., and Michael R. Weisert of Borland International Inc., who provided the material for these articles. We thank Joan C. Horvath of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, for contributing several programming exercises. We are grateful for the work of several Temple University and University of Wyoming students and former students who helped to verify the programming examples and who provided answer keys for the host of exercises. These include Mark Thoney, Lynne Doherty, Andrew Wrobel, Steve Babiak, Donna Chrupcala, Masoud Kermani, and Thayne Routh. We also thank Jeri's Computer Science Department colleagues at the University of Wyoming who have been so willing to answer her questions—Allyson Anderson, Mark Arnold, and Robin Hill.
It has been a pleasure to work with the Addison-Wesley team in this endeavor. The sponsoring editor, Susan Hartman, along with her assistant, Galia Shokry, provided much guidance and encouragement throughout all phases of manuscript revision. Patty Mahtani supervised the production of the book, while Michael Hirsch developed the marketing campaign.
Most helpful customer reviews
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Perfect for beginners
By Hubert Dupont
I don't understand how could someone give one star to this book. In this book, there's almost every thing a beginner needs to learn. First and foremost, a beginner must learn to use a "systematic" method to design his programs, so there's a whole chapter on top-down design, and a whole chapter on modular programming, AND at the end of each chapter there's a case study enforcing good program design by applying a consistent framework:
analysis (data requirements),
design (initial algorithm, refinements and structure chart). Evey step is followed by some explanations.
implementation and
To learn to solve problems "systematically" a beginner needs to see a consistent method in action, that's the purpose of this framewok and the case study.
To solve problem a beginner needs to learn how to use the usual elementary tools of the trade: selection, loops, recursion, etc. A beginner needs to learn to apply those tools to ask things, to test things, to search things, to sort things, etc. All of which are clearly and fully explained. For each, "tool" and technic, the authors give a taxonomy of their use (loops using sentinelle value, loops using flag, etc.) along with examples and they apply those tools and technics in a case study at the end of each chapter. The authors even take the time to teach you how to trace the execution of each new kind of statement (selection, loop) and recursion. I mean what more can someone want. There's even a clear introduction of linked lists and trees.
This book is thick, 890 pages, because it's meant to teach programming, that is solving problems by using a specific set of tools and technics, the book is not meant to teach a specific langage. It's not a book about C, it's a book using C. You can apply every thing you learned in this books (top-down design, loops, recursion, etc.) in almost any language. In my opinion, you can learn programming in almost any language, because what matters are the tools and the technics not the language. (I happen to like C)
Some reviewers used the word dry to describe the style of writing, I would say precise.
In conclusion:
If you need more than just clear, precise explanations and to-the-point-diagrams to learn stuff, that is if you need lots of color, bells and whistles (kindergarten style) to learn stuff, pass your way.
If you don't know how to use a search engine or a forum when you want to overcome a difficultie, I don't know what to say... maybe stop reading technical books.
PS: Personnaly I find Deitel's books scary, too much colors (it hurts my eyes), too wordy.
From a below average student.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Outdated Comments
By J. A. Huggins
For those of you undecided about this book keep in mind that for some reason Amazon.com has decided to keep outdated comments posted on earlier editions of this item. This edition of the textbook was published on July 15 2006. There is only one comment that was posted after the date of release of this book. Why Amazon.com has kept the outdated comments I don't know. I do know that authors normally attempt to improve upon their work when publishing new editions - usually based on direct feedback from users, and also in the case of this subject to make the reader aware of techniques based on newer technology. So before making a decision to buy or not to buy this book, discount all the outdated comments posted here....they were made on older editions and don't reflect the improvements made on the newer material.
6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
More bad than good
By C. L. Beard
This book is not for beginners to programming. The examples are hard to follow. They start with a simple idea then the next example adds information to the example and then you get lost. How about one idea at a time and several examples of that one idea. That would be better for beginners. I have read other C programming books and this is not the best. Waite's group books are the best there is. Next in line would be the How to Program series by Deitel & Deitel. The best point of the book is how it discusses pointers. Since pointers are a concept that folds many ideas into one the authors chose to discuss pointers in regards to these separate ideas. Meaning that there is no single chapter on pointers but parts of four different chapters. The other strong point of this book is that you do get a compiler to work with, so it isn't all bad.
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Problem Solving and Program Design in C (6th Edition), by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman PDF
Problem Solving and Program Design in C (6th Edition), by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman PDF